Acompañe a la Dra. Elba Garcia, Comisionada del Condado de Dallas
June 30, 2021 Acompañe a la Dra. Elba Garcia, Comisionada [...]
Having a mental health crisis? Call our 24/7 hotline: (214) 743-1215
Additional Resource: NTBHA Crisis Hotline: (866) 260-8000
June 30, 2021 Acompañe a la Dra. Elba Garcia, Comisionada [...]
Stand Strong Virtual Conference - Metrocare Session! July 29, 2021 [...]
The State Fair of Texas is teaming up with Metrocare, [...]
Westside Family Clinic and Early Childhood Intervention Services are moving [...]
Join us for our 13th Annual Meal for the Minds [...]
In honor of Pride month, Metrocare is proud to offer [...]
In honor of Veterans, Metrocare is proud to offer Mental [...]
In honor of Pride month, Metrocare is proud to offer [...]
In honor of Veterans, Metrocare is proud to offer Mental [...]
Interested in a Career with Metrocare?, You will be able [...]
The largest provider of mental health and developmental disability services in Dallas County.
1345 River Bend Drive
Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75247