Meet Dave Hogan

Dave Hogan
Dave Hogan has a total of thirty-nine years combined experience in field social work, counseling, and crisis intervention with the Dallas Police Department and the City of Dallas Health and Human Services Department. He joined the Dallas Police Department’s First Offender Program in 1978 as a youth and family counselor.
In 1985, he transferred to the Dallas Police Social Services Unit. The goal of this unit is to provide professional social work to referrals originated by the City of Dallas Police Department and other City of Dallas departments. Clients are contacted who have been unable to access agencies or assistance due to frailty, lack of transportation, and physical and/or mental disabilities. Crisis-trained licensed workers provide one-on-one problem solving with the clients, as well as counseling and advocacy.
In 2018, Mr. Hogan retired as the manager of the Dallas Police Department Crisis Intervention Unit where he provided clinical and administrative supervision to the caseworkers in the unit. He also participated in other City of Dallas operations, including assisting unsheltered mentally ill homeless people access treatment and emergency housing, conducting training sessions on the Mental Illness Warrant process and field caseworker safety issues, teaching caseworker response to Bioterrorism, teaching community assistance courses to recruit classes at the Dallas Police Academy, teaching in-service mental health awareness to veteran officers, and assisted officers in the field on calls with high-risk mentally ill individuals and suicidal clients. This included assisting the Dallas Police Criminal Intelligence Unit & which later evolved into assisting the Capitol Police & U.S. Secret Service with some of their high-risk mentally ill suspects as a “local asset”.
Mr. Hogan served on the Suicide and Crisis Center Clinical Advisory Board, the City of Dallas Boarding House Task Force, and is the Mental Health Liaison for the Dallas County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) in addition to chairing the MRC Disaster Mental Health Unit. He has been a member of the Coalition for the Mentally Ill (COMI) chairing the Assisted Outpatient Treatment Committee, the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance, the Dallas Area Health & Human Services Coalition, American Mensa, and the Dallas Police Department Community Support Coalition Mental Health & Homeless Committee.
Since 1999, Mr. Hogan had coordinated and led the City of Dallas Point-in-Time Homeless Count, until the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance took over that task. He also coordinated the human services component of the City of Dallas concentrated homeless initiatives involving the police department, the City attorney’s community prosecutors, the Crisis Intervention staff, and other mental health providers offering mental health & substance abuse treatment to service-resistant homeless individuals. Because of Mr. Hogan’s advocacy for the homeless, he obtained funding for new Assertive Homeless Outreach Caseworker positions attached to the Dallas Police Crisis Intervention Unit.
Mr. Hogan holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Marshall University. Upon graduation, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve, serving as a Tank Platoon Leader. He later earned a Master’s Degree from Texas A & M University-Commerce and is a graduate of the Caruth Police Institute’s Leadership Series.
Dave Hogan is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker Supervisor. He also carried the Diplomat Designation of the American Psychotherapy Association and Clinically Certified Forensic Counselor. He received the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI, Dallas Chapter) Professional of the Year Award in 2001 for his work with the homeless mentally ill population. He was named the 2006 Social Worker of the Year by the National Association of Social Workers-North Texas Chapter. He was selected as the 2006 recipient of the Mental Health Association’s Pamela Blumenthal Memorial Prism Award. This award recognizes long-term commitment to quality of care and dedicated delivery of services to people with mental illness. In 2018 he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the NASW-North Texas Chapter.
In 2018, he retired from the Dallas Police Department & became a volunteer with the Richardson Police Department as a mental health consultant. Presently he is assisting with the implementation of that agency’s mental health response. He now serves as a Dallas County appointee on the Dallas Metrocare Board of Trustees.
Mr. Hogan maintains an independent private practice with an emphasis on counseling in child custody court cases, systems consultation, and individual psychotherapy. He has co-authored 2 peer-reviewed journal articles published regarding crisis mental health services provided during disasters: Delivery of Mental Health Care in a Large Disaster Shelter, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness; Needs Assessment of Hurricane Katrina Evacuees Residing Temporarily in Dallas, Community Health Journal
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